Quod attinet ad jus civile, servi pro nullis habentur, non tamen et jure naturali; quia quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines aequales sunt.
‘Before the Civil law a slave is nothing, but not before the Natural law; for in the eye of Natural law all men are equal.’
"The new black is a tinfoil hat" Fraser
In a free society, the rights and laws protect the individual from the government. In a dictatorship, the rights and laws protect the government from the people. The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. Tacitus
"Sometimes I think and other times I AM." Paul Valery, 1871-1945
"The Souls of people, on their way to Earth-life, pass through a room full of Lights; Each takes a Taper, often only a spark, to guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls are rare fortune, are detained longer and have time to grab a handful of Tapers, which they weave into a Torch. These are the Torch-Bearers of humanity, its Poets, Seers, and Saints, who lead and lift the race out of darkness, towards the Light. They are the lawgivers and the Saviors, the Light-Bringers, Way- Showers and Truth-Tellers, and without them, Humanity would Loose its way in the Dark" PLATO
"How else should it be done then? was always the immediate question. The answer is simple: Exactly in the opposite way that it is done today!" - Viktor Schauberger
Almost all the latter part of my life has been spent unlearning the nonsense I learned in my youth. Geoffrey Higgins 1771-1834
"If 'real' is what you can feel, smell, taste and see... then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." Morpheus
"Crazy is the WAVE of the future…I am but a glimpse of a changing TIDE" CodeX4
"Not to oppose error is to approve it - Not to defend Truth is to supress it!" - Pope St. Felix III
"Even if you are the minority of one, the truth is still the truth" - Gandhi
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" - Einstein
"Knowing truth is not enough - successful change requires action!" - Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
“One of the penalties for not taking an interest in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors”. Plato 400BC
Science is NOT Religion Often one sees a conversation or debate on the web wherein one side takes a strong position about the so-called inviolate "laws of physics" and claims these laws prevents so and so effect whether it be free energy, levitation, HHO mileage extensions, spirituality, life after death, Brown's Gas or whatever. Most if not all of these proponents have never dug through or investigated these so-called "laws of physics" and as such are simply mouthing the words of dogma and doctrine someone else said before them. In other words they are more like parrots or other trained non-thinking animal who learned that when doing what they are bid by their "superiors" (experts, teachers, employers, owners) they get rewarded. When they go against the status quo or contrary to the accepted or politically correct dogma and doctrine they are punished or penalized. This is of course more like a pious religious stance and nothing like real science wherein everything and every authority is persistently questioned. So the beat of ignorance and conceit goes on...
On the other hand science is not a democracy (mob rule). Facts are facts and are not decided by vote or consensus as is often done in the so-called environmental movement. Ideally science pursues truth no matter whose sacred cow gets gored. Unfortunately, the real world for science is to do what the guy with the money wants. For instance there are unlimited funds for inventing and producing services, products and processes for controlling and killing people. There are few funds for doing the opposite of promoting Life, Light and Love in our communities. Dale Pond