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Ken O'Keefe Recounts His Experience On The Mavi Marmara And In Israeli Detention

While in Israeli custody I, along with everyone else was subjected to endless abuse and flagrant acts of disrespect. Women and elderly were physically and mentally assaulted. Access to food and water and toilets was denied. Dogs were used against us, we ourselves were treated like dogs. We were exposed to direct sun in stress positions while hand cuffed to the point of losing circulation of blood in our hands. We were lied to incessantly, in fact I am awed at the routineness and comfort in their ability to lie, it is remarkable really. We were abused in just about every way imaginable and I myself was beaten and choked to the point of blacking out... and I was beaten again while in my cell.

I have for many years understood that we, people of conscience, are the true holders of power in this world. Frustratingly however we have largely relinquished that power and failed to reach our full potential. Our potential to create a better world, a just world. Nonetheless I have conspired with others of like mind to reveal and exercise our true power. In 2002 I initiated the TJP Human Shield Action to Iraq because I knew that the invasion of Iraq had been planned well in advance, that it was part of a 'Global Spectrum Dominance' agenda as laid out by the Project For A New American Century.

I knew that protests had no chance of stopping the invasion, and that largely these protests were just a way of making us feel better about the coming mass murder; by being able to say I protested against it. With that understanding I argued that the only viable way to stop the invasion was to conduct a mass migration to Iraq. A migration in which people from around the world, especially western citizens, would position themselves at sites in Iraq that are supposed to be protected by international law, but which are routinely bombed when it is only Iraqi, Palestinian, generally non-white, western lives who will be killed. I felt 10,000 such people could stop the invasion, or at the very least, expose the invasion for what it was from the start, an act of international aggression, a war crime and a crime against humanity.

When our two double-decker buses travelled from London to Baghdad through Turkey, it was ever clear that the people of Turkey also could sense the power of this act, and they were the biggest participants in it. In the end we did not get the numbers required to stop the war, with at least one million Iraqi's dead as a result, but I remain convinced that it was within our power to prevent the invasion. A massive opportunity lost as far as I am concerned.

In 2007 I joined the Free Gaza Movement with its plan to challenge the blockade of Gaza by travelling to Gaza by sea. From the moment I heard of the plan I knew it could succeed and ultimately I served as a captain on the first attempt. The Israeli government said throughout our preparation that we were no better than pirates and they would treat us as such. They made clear we would not reach Gaza. And still I knew we could succeed. And we did. Two boats with 46 passengers from various countries managed to sail into Gaza on August 23, 2010; this was the first time this had been done in 41 years. The truth is the blockade of Gaza is far more than three years old, and yet we, a small group of conscientious people defied the Israeli machine and celebrated with tens of thousands of Gazans when we arrived that day. We proved that it could be done. We proved that an intelligent plan, with skilled manipulation of the media, could render the full might of the Israeli Navy useless. And I knew then that this was only the tip of the iceberg.

So participating in the Freedom Flotilla is like a family reunion to me. It is my long lost family whose conscience is their guide, who have shed the fear, who act with humanity. But I was especially proud to join IHH and the Turkish elements of the flotilla. I deeply admire the strength and character of the Turkish people, despite your history having stains of injustice, like every nation, you are today from citizen to Prime Minister among the leaders in the cause of humanity and justice.

I remember being asked during the TJP Human Shield Action to Iraq if I was a pacifist, I responded with a quote from Gandhi by saying I am not a passive anything. To the contrary I believe in action, and I also believe in self-defence, 100%, without reservation. I would be incapable of standing by while a tyrant murders my family, and the attack on the Mavi Marmara was like an attack on my Palestinian family. I am proud to have stood shoulder to shoulder with those who refused to let a rogue Israeli military exert their will without a fight. And yes, we fought.

When I was asked, in the event of an Israeli attack on the Mavi Mamara, would I use the camera, or would I defend the ship? I enthusiastically committed to defence of the ship. Although I am also a huge supporter of non-violence, in fact I believe non-violence must always be the first option. Nonetheless I joined the defence of the Mavi Mamara understanding that violence could be used against us and that we may very well be compelled to use violence in self-defence.

I said this straight to Israeli agents, probably of Mossad or Shin Bet, and I say it again now, on the morning of the attack I was directly involved in the disarming of two Israeli Commandos. This was a forcible, non-negotiable, separation of weapons from commandos who had already murdered two brothers that I had seen that day. One brother with a bullet entering dead center in his forehead, in what appeared to be an execution. I knew the commandos were murdering when I removed a 9mm pistol from one of them. I had that gun in my hands and as an ex-US Marine with training in the use of guns it was completely within my power to use that gun on the commando who may have been the murderer of one of my brothers. But that is not what I, nor any other defender of the ship did. I took that weapon away, removed the bullets, proper lead bullets, separated them from the weapon and hid the gun. I did this in the hopes that we would repel the attack and submit this weapon as evidence in a criminal trial against Israeli authorities for mass murder.

I also helped to physically separate one commando from his assault rifle, which another brother apparently threw into the sea. I and hundreds of others know the truth that makes a mockery of the brave and moral Israeli military. We had in our full possession, three completely disarmed and helpless commandos. These boys were at our mercy, they were out of reach of their fellow murderers, inside the ship and surrounded by 100 or more men. I looked into the eyes of all three of these boys and I can tell you they had the fear of God in them. They looked at us as if we were them, and I have no doubt they did not believe there was any way they would survive that day. They looked like frightened children in the face of an abusive father.

But they did not face an enemy as ruthless as they. Instead the woman provided basic first aid, and ultimately they were released, battered and bruised for sure, but alive. Able to live another day. Able to feel the sun over head and the embrace of loved ones. Unlike those they murdered. Despite mourning the loss of our brothers, feeling rage towards these boys, we let them go. The Israeli prostitutes of propaganda can spew all of their disgusting bile all they wish, the commandos are the murderers, we are the defenders, and yet we fought. We fought not just for our lives, not just for our cargo, not just for the people of Palestine, we fought in the name of justice and humanity. We were right to do so, in every way.

While in Israeli custody I, along with everyone else was subjected to endless abuse and flagrant acts of disrespect. Women and elderly were physically and mentally assaulted. Access to food and water and toilets was denied. Dogs were used against us, we ourselves were treated like dogs. We were exposed to direct sun in stress positions while hand cuffed to the point of losing circulation of blood in our hands. We were lied to incessantly, in fact I am awed at the routineness and comfort in their ability to lie, it is remarkable really. We were abused in just about every way imaginable and I myself was beaten and choked to the point of blacking out... and I was beaten again while in my cell.

In all this what I saw more than anything else were cowards... and yet I also see my brothers. Because no matter how vile and wrong the Israeli agents and government are, they are still my brothers and sisters and for now I only have pity for them. Because they are relinquishing the most precious thing a human being has, their humanity.

In conclusion; I would like to challenge every endorser of Gandhi, every person who thinks they understand him, who acknowledges him as one of the great souls of our time (which is just about every western leader), I challenge you in the form of a question. Please explain how we, the defenders of the Mavi Marmara, are not the modern example of Gandhi's essence? But first read the words of Gandhi himself.

I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence.... I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should, in a cowardly manner, become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonour. - Gandhi

And lastly I have one more challenge. I challenge any critic of merit, publicly, to debate me on a large stage over our actions that day. I would especially love to debate with any Israeli leader who accuses us of wrongdoing, it would be my tremendous pleasure to face off with you. All I saw in Israel was cowards with guns, so I am ripe to see you in a new context. I want to debate with you on the largest stage possible. Take that as an open challenge and let us see just how brave Israeli leaders are.

Thanks to Sott for the article

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Ascension mechanics and the bloom of doom false ascension science

A'shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses. This information is highly complex and detailed. She and two other "speakers" as they call themselves are receiving this information via telepathic downloads. They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances, a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.

Ancient “False Ascension Science”
Since 1999 the MCEO Guardians’ teachings have provided an ongoing, comprehensive study of the “Cosmic Context, Structures and Dynamics” of space-time-matter creation and spiritual evolution, of planetary, galactic and universal “lost history” and of the contemporary “Big Picture Drama.” The MCEO Freedom Teachings® have also provided a progressive program of studies in advanced multidimensional anatomy, including studies of: 15-Dimensional Anatomy; the 15-Chakra System, Axiatonal & Meridian Lines; the Light Body, Rasha Dark-matter Body, Elum’Eir-adhona Spirit Body, Aah-JhA’ Hydro-acoustic Body and Jha-DA’ Body; fetal integration, Bhardoah, growth cycles, Evolutionary Ascension Cycles, DNA, and much more.

The MCEO teachings explore the interconnection between the multidimensional anatomy and the physical-emotional-mental-spiritual bodies, the embodied consciousness, “higher states,” the DNA, the Realities of Transition (conception, fetal integration, and “death”/ Bhardoah) and the Science of Ascension (Transmigration through Star-Gates/ Time Portals via atomic Transfiguration). In 2000, introduction of the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System™ Level-1 — followed a few years later by Kathara Levels 2–4 — provided a progression of energy-technique applications for advancement of personal multidimensional healing and interdimensional consciousness expansion through sequential bio-field and DNA Template activation. In 2008, due to unfavorable escalations in the planetary drama, we began expedited introduction of advanced Kathara-12+ bio-spiritual healing technologies.

Within the intensive studies of “Cosmic Context, Structures and Dynamics” progressively featured in the MCEO teachings, we have learned of the intricate genuine “Sacred Geometries” inherent to personal and cosmic structure, and the corresponding Sacred Processes of Physics and Consciousness — such as Partiki Phasing, Takeyon Harmonic Key Cycles and Eckashi Expansion & Adashi Return Cycles — which are interrelated elements of the organic cycles of growth that govern cosmic formation, biological creation and spiritual evolution. We have also learned of the “nature of space-time,” and of both the small and massive organic multidimensional “time cycles” that govern space, time, matter, consciousness and manifestation.

Progressively since 2000, the CDT-Plate translations and MCEO teachings have revealed many long-hidden secrets pertaining to the “Science of Ascension,” which includes the organic processes of interdimensional and trans-dimensional atomic Transmutation, Transfiguration, Translocation and Transmigration. In our learning of the actual organic processes by which — and cosmic structures through which — the bio-spiritual dynamics of “Ascension” can occur, we have also received an extensive amount of information on the intentional historical distortions of “Ascension Science teachings.” Through learning about the organic intricate structures, genuine processes and Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics through which actual “Bio-Spiritual Ascension” (for “planets or people”) can take place, the falsehoods carried within “false Sacred Science” teachings became progressively more obvious by comparison.

“False Sacred Science” teachings, and the inorganic environmental and biological consequences created through their use, are built upon convoluted, self-serving perversions of the organic Laws of Multidimensional Physics. Applications of these “twisted multidimensional science” teachings, historically engaged on Earth throughout different periods over many thousands of years, has taken a terrible toll on human evolution and on the state of our planetary environment. The “false Sacred Science” teachings emerged from periods in our ancient and pre-ancient past, during the historically ignored “ancient advanced Earth cultures” currently associated with “Atlantean and Lemurian mythology.” During these ancient times, many environmental and biological horrors were created through application of the “false Sacred Sciences”; the technologies that emerged from these teachings represented a perversion of the organic, living multidimensional technologies that were once available through applications of genuine “Sacred Science.” In ancient advanced cultures, the “false Sacred Science” teachings became known as the “Death Sciences,” because reduction of eternal-life potential to finite-life de-evolution was the eventual result of their applications — regardless of what temporary benefits of finite power such technologies supplied.

During the ancient Atlantean period, there was one particular body of “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged among Earth cultures after one of the GA-MCEO CDT-Plates was stolen and placed in Illuminati hands. The CDT-Plate revealed many advanced teachings of organic “Sacred Science,” which Illuminati-Elder forces then twisted to form a particular “wormhole technology” through which they could seek fulfillment of their “Earth Templar Dominion” agenda. (Historical information on the stealing of the CDT-Plate and resultant ancient dramas is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition.) In ancient cultures, this particular body of advanced twisted “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged, along with its resultant technologies, from perversion of the CDT-Plate teachings, was casually known as the “Bloom of Doom” technologies. This ancient name was adopted in reference to one of the primary inorganic “energy distortion geometries” used in this “Death Science,” the structure of which, in common respects, resembled a “blossom.” Other characteristic components of distorted mathematics and physics were also inherent to the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science. Components related to the “Bloom of Doom” technologies included a distorted mathematical growth formula for artificial finite life that in later days became known as the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence,” both of which were distortions of the “Krystal Spiral & Sequence” organic eternal-life growth ratios illustrated in the GA-MCEO CDT-Plate teachings.

Another component of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” technologies emerged through distortion of the CDT-Plate symbol called the “Kathara Grid.” Distortions of the CDT-Plate Kathara Grid symbol became known in the “Death Sciences” of the Atlantean period as the “Tree of Artificial Life,” because temporary, inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of matter, light and biology could be created through the “twisted mathematical secrets” implied by the symbolic structure of the Tree of Artificial Life distortion. The genuine Kathara Grid represents the organic core mathematical radiation-structures, or “lattices,” upon which eternal-life “living” morphogenetic field–matter templates are built. The mathematical relationships depicted within the organic Kathara Grid symbol represent the literal “core mathematical formula” of organic radiation-lattice structure, numbers of which lattices group together in very specific geometric-mathematical patterns — forming the structure of organic multidimensional radiation templates upon which “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles organize into structured manifest atoms and forms.

The organic Kathara Grid “lattice” features 12 “Signets” or “power points” placed in very specific positions within a “cross-bar lattice” of very specific proportions; the proportions and relationships depicted in the genuine Kathara Grid symbol represent the mathematical formulae of organized-radiation-structure through which organic, living matter, light and biology are formed. The organic Kathara Grid is not a “theoretical invention,” but rather is a depiction of the core organizational structure upon which the organic, living, eternal-life Cosmos is, and has always been, formed. The organic Kathara Grid, and what it represents, exists as part of the organic Natural Laws of Physics that are indelibly inherent to the eternal, multidimensional Living Cosmos, and to the eternal “Unified Field of Energy and Consciousness” within which the Cosmos resides.

Distorted versions of the CDT-Plate original Kathara Grid symbol emerged through the “Bloom of Doom” teachings in Atlantis as the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol, which originally depicted 11 “Signets” instead of the organic 12, and which had specific structural distortions within the shapes and proportions of the “cross-bar lattice.” The organic “living” Kathara Grid symbol represents the literal “core mathematical formula” of organic radiation-lattice structure for the eternal Living Cosmos. Likewise, the various versions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol represent a distorted, contrived, inorganic “creation formula” through which unnatural multidimensional radiation template-structures can be artificially created — by abusing the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics — to harness and direct the organization of “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles, in order to form inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of light-radiation, and atomic and biological form.

Further distortions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol emerged later in history as “Tree of Life” symbols depicting 7, 8, 9 or 10 Signet points, with different “cross-bar lattice” distortions. These later Kathara Grid distortions represented renditions of the Atlantean “Tree of Artificial Life” creation formula as adapted by various groups of Illuminati who were in competition with the Illuminati “Bloom of Doom” creators. All such Kathara Grid distortions represent attempts at implementing unnatural creation formulae that deviate from the organic structures, and Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness, inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.

Two other components of the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings, and related “Death Sciences,” are hidden within two common symbol-forms referred to as the vesica piscis and the “star-tetrahedron.” The “vesica piscis” symbol is a set of 2 interlinked circles with the inner-most “outside edge” (circumference) of each circle touching the center-point of the other circle. Within the CDT-Plates, this symbol was originally called the “Bi-Veca Code,” and it, along with its 3-circle Tri-Veca Code symbol counterpart, referred to specific organic structures, processes, functions and interrelationships inherent to the organic multidimensional electromagnetic frequency spectrum, and especially to the organic creation mechanisms and natural dynamics inherent to light-radiation and the organic Living Light structures upon which the eternal Cosmos is built. The “star-tetrahedron” symbol is a 3-dimensional symbol-form constructed of 2 pyramidal-shaped vortices, each with a triangular base: one pyramidal-vortex is in the “point-up” upright position and intersects along a vertical line with the other inverted, “point-down” pyramidal-vortex. The 2-dimensional depiction of the star-tetrahedron is the commonly recognized symbol of the “6-pointed star” or “Star of David.” Within the CDT-Plates, both versions of this symbol were depicted with a circle around the symbol, and both were referred to as the “Hierophant” symbol, which depicted the mathematical formulae and multidimensional structures inherent to “Merkaba Fields.” Merkaba Fields are organic energy vortex structures that are part of the natural multidimensional “circulatory system” of the Living Cosmos, and which under certain conditions inherent to the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics, can become “vehicles of transport” within the organic processes of Genuine Ascension.

The Bi-Veca Code/ “vesica piscis” and the Hierophant 6-pointed star/ “star-tetrahedron” symbols, and the “Ascension Science” teachings corresponding to them, were part of the original “Sacred Science” teachings contained with in the CDT-Plate that was stolen during the Atlantean period. In the hands of the Illuminati, the Bi-Veca and Hierophant symbols and their corresponding bases of knowledge were, like the “Kathara Grid” and “Krystal Spiral,” distorted: first into the “Bloom of Doom” technologies, and later into a variety of “Death Science” teachings and practices used by competing Illuminati groups in their quest for Earth Templar control. Unlike the visibly discernible distortions of the Kathara Grid and Krystal Spiral symbols, Bi-Veca Code and Hierophant symbol distortions were not immediately noticeable; instead, the distortions were contained within the twisted teachings of finite-life energy mechanics that accompanied the symbols, while the image of the symbols themselves looked relatively the same. “Death Science” teachings involving the Bi-Veca Code — without its organic Tri-Veca Code counterpart — utilized the distorted energy mechanics inherent to the vesica piscis, by which inorganic, artificial, finite-life static “Dead Light” radiation fields can be generated through corresponding use of distorted Merkaba Vortex mechanics.

“Twisted” Merkaba Vortex mechanics implement unnatural distortions of the spin-speed and spin-direction of Merkabic Vortex sets, to create a particle/ anti-particle harness field within which energy and atoms can be trapped. Once trapped within the inorganic Merkaba Field, the harnessed energy quanta can then artificially sustain a prolonged longevity of form, and achieve limited local interdimensional transport, as long as the inorganic Merkaba Harness around it can “feed”/ drain energy from organically living energy fields. The inorganic Merkaba Field, also known as the “Death Star” or “External Merkaba,” must “feed,” much as an “energy vampire” — as unlike organic “Krystar” Merkaba Vehicle structures, the “Death Star Merkaba” is incapable of independently generating energy quanta for self-sustenance.

Once activated, this “Artificial-Light Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” created through the “Bloom of Doom” and related technologies, engages the finite-life mathematical growth formulae of the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” to increase its spin-speed by draining energy from the life-field around it. Usually, inorganic Death Star Merkaba technologies employ the unnatural spin-speed starting ratios of “34 / 21” in relation to two separate “same-spin fixed-vortex sets” (4 vortices, rather than the organic 2) placed in counter-rotation to each other, which accelerate and blend to a “common spin” of 55 when activated. Following activation, the Death Star Merkaba engages acceleration and quantum expansion via the inorganic growth ratios of the Fibonacci sequence, using the “energy sucking” dynamics inherent to the physics-mechanics illustrated within the Fibonacci spiral. Organic Krystar Merkaba Vehicles begin with a natural “331/3 – 112/3” spin-speed ratio of a single set of 2 counter-rotating vortices, and build spin-speed and energy thrust to much higher speeds — beyond the known “speed of light” — through internal quantum self-generation, following the mathematical correspondences characteristic to the organic “Krystal Spiral and Sequence” growth formula. The “ratio numbers” pertaining to organic Merkaba Vortex spin-speeds refer to the number of rotations each counter-rotating vortex completes in a given period, for a period measured in increments that can be relatively compared to “one rotation per trillionth of a billionth of a nanosecond,” or RP-TBN.

Upon full activation, the “Death Star Merkaba Harness Vehicle” and its contents, be it a person, planet or galaxy, can engage limited local interdimensional relocation — but only through inorganic wormhole, portal and black hole structures formed by the same “Death Science” technologies. Once a biological or matter-form engages full Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, its matter-template becomes permanently mutated, and the being or matter-form loses its organic potential of natural multidimensional Ascension, along with the ability to pass through the organic Star-Gate “Ascension Passages” inherent to the Cosmic Templar. Though the Death Star Merkaba offers the “immediate perks” of temporary extension of form longevity and limited interdimensional transport within black hole/ wormhole systems, due to the organic Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal system of the Living Cosmos, the ultimate fate of the Death Star Merkaba is inevitable implosion, energetic self-annihilation and release of its harnessed quanta to space-dust. Use of the Death Star External Merkaba Vehicle can be compared to “taking a poorly planned quantum joyride that inevitably ends in a deadly crash at the end of a dead-end road”; at the least, use of the Death Star Merkaba is a very unwise decision, if one genuinely cares about the potentials of one’s own experiential evolutionary destiny.

Unlike the inorganic, externally-fueled External Merkaba of the Death Star Vehicle, the organic, internally-fueled Internal Merkaba structures inherent to the Krystar Ascension Vehicle allow for progressively unlimited interdimensional and trans-dimensional travel, and full, holistic evolutionary expansion back into the Original State of Pure Source-Consciousness. The Krystar Ascension Vehicle is formed through, and functions as, a natural consequence to harmonious use of energy and consciousness in relation to the Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.

The distorted vesica piscis Artificial-Light manipulations and Death Star Merkaba mechanics, which are at the core of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” and “Death Science” teachings, work together with the distorted matter-template mechanics of the “Tree of Artificial Life,” “golden mean rectangle,” the “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” and other related “Death Science” components not discussed in this writing, to form an inorganic technology that attempts to manufacture an “artificial facsimile of Eternal Life Ascension.” This “facsimile of the sacred” is intended to allow the organic Laws of Energy and Consciousness that govern the eternal Living Cosmos, to be bent, broken, twisted and misused, without truth or consequence, by the whims of finite ego.

Beings who knowingly employ this mentality desire to “take a free ride at the expense of whomever or whatever crosses their paths,” without any consideration for “fair or harmoniously balanced energy exchange”; they suffer from a Dis-ease of Supreme Arrogance, through which they become self-deluded into thinking they can escape the organic Natural Laws of Action and Consequence-to-Action by which the eternal Cosmos functions. Such beings inevitably learn, most often the “hard way,” that such “delusions of grandeur,” and the perverse technologies created to fulfill them, simply do not work within the greater structures and context of the eternal Natural Cosmic Laws of Multidimensional Physics — for energetic action will always be met with corresponding energetic consequence.

The genuine “Sacred Science” teachings of the MCEO existed long before creation of the CDT-Plates or seeding of the Angelic Human lineage; the organic First-Creation Dynamics featured in the MCEO teachings existed as the living framework of cosmic reality long before the nature of these dynamics were ever recorded as “teachings.” The “Death Science” distortions of these “First-Creation Dynamics” also existed within our Universe long before their more recent historical return to Earth through the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings derived from Illuminati infiltration of the stolen CDT-Plate. Technologies born of the “false Sacred Science” teachings, and corresponding perversions of Natural Cosmic Physics Laws, have wreaked havoc for eons within our Galaxy and others, since their inception billions of years ago among interdimensional races that attempted to “push the concept of Free Will Consequence” beyond all intrinsic, organic cosmic boundaries. Prior to the appearance of the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science technologies on Earth, these technologies were known in our local Universe as the “Teachings of Metatronic Death Science,” named after a local entity collective, called “Metatron,” who was instrumental in bringing the Death Sciences more directly into our local Galaxy.

(Detailed information on “organic First-Creation Dynamics,” the historical “Fall of Metatron” and related characters, and the mechanics and historical applications of “Metatronic Death Science” is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition, throughout various MCEO Freedom Teachings® workshop DVD programs, and in Introductory-Topics Summary-1.)

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In your face, In Humane....Gaza: From blockade to bloodshed

Istanbul: Turkish Muslims protest against Israel's attack on a Turkish ship, part of an aid convoy to the Gaza Strip

© KeystoneUSA-Zuma/Rex Feature

If an armed group of Somali pirates had yesterday boarded six vessels on the high seas, killing at least 10 passengers and injuring many more, a Nato taskforce would today be heading for the Somali coast. What happened yesterday in international waters off the coast of Gaza was the work of Israeli commandos, not pirates, and no Nato warships will in fact be heading for Israel. Perhaps they should be.

Israel's status as a pariah state or international terrorists

Nothing has done more to establish Israel's status as a pariah state among its neighbours than the actions of its armed forces. Israel's navy said it met with "pre-planned violence" when it boarded the ships and opened fire in the middle of the night. Their intention was to conduct a mass arrest, but the responsibility for the bloodshed was entirely theirs. Having placed themselves in a situation where they lost control and provoked a riot, the Israeli navy said they were forced to open fire to avoid being lynched. What did the commandos expect pro-Palestinian activists to do once they boarded the ships - invite them aboard for a cup of tea with the captain on the bridge? One of those shot and severely wounded was a Greek captain, who refused medical aid in Israel and demanded to be flown back to Greece. Presumably he, too, was threatening the lives of Israeli naval commandos.

There was nothing on board those ships that constituted a threat to Israel's security, so Binyamin Netanyahu's argument that his troops were acting in self-defence has no validity. They should not have been there in the first place. The convoy was carrying construction materials, electric wheelchairs and water purifiers for Gaza's people. This was recognised by the Israeli navy, who said in a statement that it had offered to transfer the aid by land to Gaza. Four years into a blockade mounted ostensibly to prevent weapons from being smuggled into the enclave, this claim, too, is utterly specious. Two years of pressure from Washington failed to persuade Israel to let these construction materials in, for the benefit of the 5,000 families still in tents after the ruin wreaked by Operation Cast Lead. If Israel was so obdurate to the entreaties of its ally, why would it now acquiesce in the demands of its enemies? The fact is that Israel has used its blockade not only to prevent Hamas from rearming, but also to impose collective punishment - as a boot which it applied to the Palestinian throat. This pressure on the jugular has the opposite of its intended effect. Defiance has only grown in Gaza, and the Islamic resistance movement is reaping the benefits - as any Fatah man will admit.

In one operation Israel has destroyed whatever hold it had over the international community on Gaza. It is not simply the fury that it has created in Turkey, which will only grow as the bodies of its dead are buried. Egypt too is complicit, because its government has sealed the southern border of the Gaza strip. It has done so amid mounting popular opposition, and as a nervy transfer of power in Cairo is about to take place. The Egyptian government will not welcome the intense embarrassment that Israel has caused it. There were many calls yesterday for the siege to be lifted, notably from Britain's new foreign secretary William Hague. After what Nick Clegg, his coalition partner wrote in this newspaper about Gaza last year, he could hardly do otherwise. But as Mr Clegg said, it is action, not words, that counts now.

The blockade should end, but that will only be the start of the U-turn which is now required. Closely allied to Gaza's physical isolation is its political one. The international consensus is also crumbling on isolating Hamas by insisting it recognise Israel before it is allowed to join a national unity government with Fatah. Russia broke the taboo first two week ago when its president, Dmitry Medvedev, met Khaled Meshal, the Hamas leader in Damascus, but other countries in Europe are now planning to follow suit. Brick by brick, this policy is coming apart, and in a strange way Israel is helping.

Thanks to SOTT

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