Truth News


British MPs Screwing The Taxpayer Awards 2009

Jacqui Smith inadvertently claiming for two porn films

Letters From A Tory has done a careful analysis of the latest expenses claims from MPs.

Total expenses—the winner (by some distance) of the award for the MP who screwed the taxpayer out of the most money over the past 12 months is… Eric Joyce from the Labour Party! He cost you and me £222,445 in a single year, which was £13,000 more than any other MP in the entire country. Labour can happily lay claim to having 34 of the top 50 most expensive MPs while the Conservatives have to settle for just three MPs in the top 50. GRAND TOTAL OF MP EXPENSES IN 2007/2008: £92,749,293

In 1997, Major Joyce was warned about his future conduct after writing an unauthorised pamphlet for the left-wing Fabian Society.

Well done, Eric! Thank you so much for pissing our hard-earned cash up the wall on your disgusting past-times: you were not worth a single penny of it.

And well done to the entire 646 for screwing us for a superlative £92.75 million on top of your big, fat salaries. You profligate cunts.

Do wander over and view the awards, although your humble Devil would like to introduce an additional award—the Most Jaw-Droppingly Offensive Expenses Category Award. And the winner is...

Family travel—this is a new category. The rules are that spouses and civil partners are entitled to up to 30 single journeys each year between London and the constituency or an MP’s main home and MPs’ children can also claim 30 single journeys every year back and forth to London, irrespective of whether they actually see a single MP during their trip - all paid for by us.

Thanks to:
The Devils Kitchen

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