Truth News


TNS Radio with an explosive two part interview with Billy Mcguire

8 Strings on the Guiness Harp

This is a not to be missed interview for any Freeman or person interested in sovereign independence... oh to be a freeman in Ireland tonight.... think its time for and 8 stringed black one..cheers

Every year, on the 21st of January at 12 o'clock Billy Maguire donnes his grandfather's grey felt hat and, with the solemnity of a bishop, holds the seal aloft.

"We've been doing it for the last 85 years," he explained afterwards. "My father and my grandfather did it before me."

Billy's grandfather was owner of Vaughan's Hotel in Parnell Square, Dublin, a haunt of Michael Collins and other revolutionaries of the War of Independence - and the venue for Tom Barry's wedding. Another of his ancestors is Sam Maguire, whose cup is held aloft each year by the captain of the winning All-Ireland football team.

The Irish sovereign seal consists of a harp with 12 strings, and in effect the seal, or variations of it, makes everything legal in this republic. For example, there are eight strings on the harp symbol of the Army, 9 strings on the passport's harp, 13 on official documents of Dail Eireann and 14 on coins.

The 12 stringed Harp, the Sovereign Seal of Ireland

Interview with Billy McGuire

Listen or download the MP3 here

Interviewed tonight by Vincent and joined by Harry we have Billy Maguire the present Holder of the Sovereign seal of the people of Ireland. This Information is of such importance it is vital not to miss. Bill Maguire is due to perform the turning of the sovereign seal on the 21st of january at 12 noon in the mansion house as has been done for the past 90 years. This years will be the 91st, Truly stunning information was shared with us by Billy and I thank him for being so forthcoming. The turning of the seal is what grants licence from “We the People” to the government to act and perform as we desire.

The Irish People are Sovereign

Tonight on TNS radio we were delighted to be joined for a second time by the President of the IRB (the Irish Republican Brotherhood ) and the holder of the Sovereign Seal of the People of Ireland. Billy Maguire has performed this Ceremony since 1964 and it has happened every year since 1922. The significance of this Ceremony is great, and if you wish to know more I suggest you read as many historical accounts from the day to see what transpired and the truth of the matter will (I believe) become apparent. Tonight Billy told us that the Government held an emergency meeting on monday to discuss this very matter. Please spread this interview around and discuss what it may mean to you .

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